Nadav Shragai..
Israel Hayom..
23 July '15..
The Temple Mount. The month of Av 5775. Exactly 1,945 years since the destruction of the Second Temple. The images are difficult to see, almost inconceivable. Reminiscent more of Tehran or Gaza than Israel in 2015. The following is a textual interpretation of what the camera lens has been recording for months. All rights reserved to the Muslim websites that have been proudly documenting the scene. These are images that you will not find in the Israeli media.
The facade of the Dome of the Rock: A huge Hamas billboard features a masked fighter, a (fake) rendition of the dog tags belonging to fallen Israeli soldiers Shaul Oron and Hadar Goldin (whose body parts have been held by Hamas for over a year), and a drawing of a clenched fist detaching itself from handcuffs.
True sights from mosque courtyards: Women carrying photos of terrorists in their hands; children holding toy guns and rifles in menacing poses; youngsters waving Hamas and PLO flags; a masked man climbing to the top of Al-Aqsa mosque and planting a Palestinian flag atop it; a group of young people, whose shirts feature an image of Egypt's deposed Muslim Brotherhood President Mohammed Morsi, waving Muslim Brotherhood flags; masked women standing at the entrance of the Dome of the Rock.
Also: Calls of "Khaibar Khaibar ya Yahud, jaysh Muhammad sawfa ya'ud," which means "remember Khaibar, Jews. Muhammad will return" -- an implicit call to murder Jews. Islamic State is also in the picture: A group photo featuring smiling faces and thumbs up signs supporting the organization that likes to decapitate. And no essay would be complete without the new-old libel suggesting that Jews make matzah out of children's blood.
There are also giant portraits of Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas and calls of "ya Qassam, ya ayouni, blow up Tel Aviv and Kiryat Shmona."
Meanwhile, the mount is generally closed to Jews. On the odd occasion that Jews are permitted entry, the wait in line in interminable, and only small groups are allowed in, accompanied by heavy security and facing a barrage of insults and curses from bands of paid assaulters. The Jews are not permitted to respond. They cannot react. They are prohibited from moving their lips in prayer, even if they make no sound. They are not permitted to close their eyes, lest the Muslims interpret this as prayer. They are not even allowed to say "Allahu akbar" the way the Muslims do. They are not allowed to bring apples onto the mount lest they bless the fruit.
One Jew, who cannot hold it in any longer, breaks down crying at the sight, but he is quickly removed from the area for fear that his tears will "disturb the peace."
Nowadays, even the secular Israelis are not spared. The Muslims have learned to distinguish the Israelis from the tourists and recently barred Jews from drinking at the water fountain on the northern side or the mount. And the press? Near complete silence. These hate crimes are of no interest to journalists.
The Temple Mount is the heart, but we have lost our head.
Tisha B'Av 5775. The Temple Mount is not in our hands, it is in theirs. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Education Minister Naftali Bennett, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked and Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan -- are you in power or is this a dream?
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"The Temple Mount is the heart, but we have lost our head."
ReplyDeleteCould this be why others are losing theirs at the hands of IS and other Muslims? We better get ours back on straight so we can get on with H's program - and only evil heads will roll.