Elder of Ziyon..
10 July '15..
Amnesty International keeps on deceiving its readers to demonize Israel.
From its website pushing its new anti-Israel campaign that includes the Gaza Platform that I have shown to be filled with lies:
It is in big letters so it must be true!
Now, it is true that 25 family members were tragically killed. And I do not know if any of them were terrorists. But to say that the house had nothing to do with the fighting is not quite true.
There is one crucial fact that Amnesty, and Tawfiq Abu Jame, don't want you to know.
The house had a guest at the time of the bombing.
His name was Ahmed Suleiman Mahmoud Sahmoud.
And he was a commander for the Hamas Al Qassam Brigades.
Don't take my word for it. This was documented by B'Tselem.
Here is the "civilian" that Amnesty doesn't want to tell you about.
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