Frimet/Arnold Roth
This Ongoing War: A Blog
25 June '10
Posted before Shabbat
There's a Zen koan that asks us to think about reality: if a tree falls in the forest, it says, and no one is there to hear it, did the falling of the tree make a sound.
We don't blog here to plumb the philosophical depths. But as events spin more and more in the direction of chaos and terror, and as the violent ambitions of the jihadists grow both more open and less understood by many people, it seems very important for us to report here what's happening and what it might mean. That much we can do. And we can ask: does terrorism happen if there's no one willing to report on it? And if the people who are the targets of the terror fight back, is this fighting back or is it some kind of aggression? Sadly, these are not philosophical musings but real and contemporary political challenges.
A total of nine mortar shells and one rocket were fired into Israel yesterday (Thursday). Thankfully, the terrorists did not succeed in causing injuries or serious damage. But, as we keep pointing out here, that's not their intention and never was.
Did you hear about these missile attacks? Thought so.
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