Michael Lumish
25 June '10
Posted before Shabbat
One of the most common (and facile) accusations against Israel is that it is a racist country. Another equally facile accusation is that Israel is a brutal country. In a recent Ha’aretz article, columnist Amira Hass gives us two for the price of one. Israel is racist and brutal, both!
Here’s how the propaganda works. You find an obscure news story in which one, or more, Israelis behave badly and then use that story to suggest that it says something terribly negative about Israeli society as a whole. The hostile glare of the world spotlight on Israel is so intense that I sometimes expect to find a headline somewhere in the international press that reads, “Israeli Woman Spanks Unruly Child in Parking Lot, World Condemns the Jewish State.”
The story in this case, unfortunately, is not nearly so benign as a spanking in public. On Friday, June 11, a Palestinian Israeli ran down a couple of cops in the eastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Wadi Joz. The police gave chase to the suspect, Ziad Jilani, and allegedly shot him dead in an alley. Hass, therefore, contends that this was a case of Israeli cops acting as judges, juries, and executioners due to a supposedly common Israeli racial hatred of Palestinians. Furthermore, Hass goes on to inform us, it is precisely because of such racial hatred that many Palestinian Jerusalemites live in poverty.
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