Dr. Aaron Lerner
25 June '10
[Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA:
"Therefore, for a lasting and fair solution, there needs to be an exchange of populated territories to create two largely homogeneous states, one Jewish Israeli and the other Arab Palestinian."
Here is the puzzle: If you go to the trouble to actually think about what Avigdor Lieberman is proposing (that a Palestinian state plunge into Israel in various locations where there is now a large Arab Israeli population) you realize that he advocates the creation of a Palestinian state with borders actually more dangerous than the '67 lines.
Granted, he also writes that "Israel will need to retain a presence on its borders to ensure no smuggling of arms" but that is painfully vague. What is a "presence"?
So why is he termed a "right winger" when in many respects he is proposing something to the left of Meretz?]
My blueprint for a resolution
By Avigdor Lieberman The Jerusalem Post 06/23/2010 23:40
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results," Albert Einstein once said.
Since 1993, successive governments, supported by the international community, have tried to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict using the flawed paradigm of land for peace. Each time, the same formula was attempted, but failed every time because of Arab recalcitrance.
Increasingly, the international community has started to demand that Israel return to the pre-1967 armistice lines as the basis of any resolution to the conflict. This has largely happened because there is a misunderstanding that the dispute is territorial in nature and confusion on international law and precedent.
Most importantly, the Israeli leadership has historically provided no alternatives to this paradigm.
Those who claim that Israel must return to the socalled Green Line need to examine UN Security Council Resolution 242, the legal framework created following the 1967 war when the territories were conquered.
(Read full article)
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I agree with the idea of adjusting the borders to take in all the Jews and exclude all the Arabs. The 1949 lines aren't sacred. There is no reason in the world a Palestinian Arab state has to remain Judenrein while Israel has to put up with a 20% Arab minority. When was the last time you heard Meretz endorse Arabs being transferred out of Israel? If Israel annexes most Yesha, Israel will gain a friendly population and strategic defense in depth and will give up an adjacent pocket of hostile Arabs. Aaron Lerner ought to see that as a win-win, if only because Lieberman put "transfer" back on the table after the Left successfully blacklisted it as taboo for over twenty years. The Arabs should be in an Arab state. The Jews in a Jewish State.
ReplyDeleteWhy in the world is that concept so difficult for intelligent people to grasp?