Tuesday, December 17, 2019

A U.S. elected official, a Jordanian king, a terrorist and the feeling of talking to a wall - by Arnold Roth

With few exceptions, mainstream editors and reporters in the news industry won't touch this battle we as bereaved parents are waging to see our child's killer stand trial in Washington on the US Federal charges she faces. But we plan to keep pressing on. For us, it's a matter of justice.

Arnold/Frimet Roth..
This Ongoing War..
16 December '19..

About six weeks ago, we noticed a Jordanian news report about an official visit to the sumptuous palace of Jordan's ruler by a senior US Congressman, Representative Adam Smith.

A Democrat, Smith represents Washington state's 9th Congressional district. Before that he served in the Washington State Senate. He has been a member of the House Armed Services Committee since 1997 and is its current chairman.

The details of his formal visit to the royal palace appeared on the website of Jordan's embassy in Washington DC. They also appeared on the website of Jordan's Royal Hashemite Court and a little later in the government-controlled Jordan Times.

We noted and commented on the visit here.

Smith's was one of three Congressional Delegation visits to the royal place in Amman that we know of between the first week of October and the first week of November. There may have been others that we didn't spot. We're new to the business of tracking the activities of US Congress people when they're outside the US. The US new media seem to pay them little attention.

Why is this an issue for us?

If you know anything about our blog, you will be aware that Jordan is refusing to extradite the Islamist savage who bombed the Sbarro pizzeria in Jerusalem. And that this flies in the face of years of Jordan complying with the bilateral extradition treaty that has been in effect since 1995.

Our 15 year old daughter Malki was one of the many children inside the pizzeria who were blown to pieces. Ahlam Tamimi, whom we consider a monster, has taken credit for years - on television, in the print media, on multiple social media platforms - for selecting the site (the large number of Jewish children was the key factor) and for personally bringing the bomb to the door of the pizzeria just before fleeing to save herself. She calls it "my operation" and has never denied the charges. She has publicly and repeatedly confessed.

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