Friday, March 4, 2016

When the UN responds to terrorism, which victims does it entirely ignore? by Arnold Roth

...How sad for all of us that the bureaucrats and the highly-paid management officials at the UN seem not to understand that the category "innocent people, who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time" fully and accurately describes the victims of Arab-on-Israeli terror. If, in the eyes of the UN's experts, they are not victims of terror, is this because they were not innocent enough? Were in a place that was not wrong enough? Their loved ones were exempt from the pain and the suffering? If their deaths by murder did not happen at the wrong time, is the UN's view that the Palestinian Arab stabbers, bombers, shooters and rammers killed them at the right time?

Source: The UN website
Arnold/Frimet Roth..
This Ongoing War..
03 March '16..

Finally (we said to ourselves)! The United Nations makes a comprehensive listing of acts of terror covering these past four very difficult blood-drenched months. Under the title "UN response to acts of terrorism", it deals with dozens of cowardly, ideologically-driven deadly assaults and says what needs to be said.

In its cataloging of these acts of terrorism between November 2015 and February 2016, the UN civil service in Geneva along with the Secretary-General in New York City express concern, sympathy, condemnation, condolences. All that, plus demands that the thugs carrying out these abominable deeds along with those who sent them be brought to justice.


Then - following an alert issued in the March 3, 2016 Newsletter of Human Rights Voices [here] - we took a closer look, and that's when we realized the nature of this scandal.

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