Elder of Ziyon..
22 Novenber '12..
As EoZ readers know, after Cast Lead I led a team that identified hundreds of people who were called "civilians" by the Palestinian Center of Human Rights - but were in fact terrorists.
We scoured through official jihadist websites and forums to see which of these "civilians" were called "mujahadeen." We crosschecked obituaries published on Hamas and other terror group websites, often months later, against the PCHR list.
In short, we showed that PCHR was happy to lie in order to make it appear that the IDFwas targeting civilians.
Looks like we have our work cut out for us again:
According to investigations conducted by PCHR, at approximately 17:45 on Tuesday, 20 November 2012, an Israeli warplane fired a missile at Hussam Mohammed Salama, 30, and Mahmoud Ali al-Koumi, 29, cameramen of the Gaza-based al-Aqsa Satellite Channel, while they were traveling in a civilian car clearly marked with ‘TV’.
Luckily, I just made a poster about Mr. Salama, along with a photo of the car where he had crudely spray-painted "TV".
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One Choice: Fight to Win
4 months ago
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