Manhigut Yehudit..
10 Tevet, 5772..
(Jan. 5)..
English Transcript of the Speech:
Thank you, each and every one of you. Thank you for choosing to be part of the faith-based revolution. Thank you very much.
We are all servants of G-d. Not for honor and not for fame – there is nothing but Him.
The Minister of Education told me that schools in North Tel Aviv are requesting to visit the Cave of Machpelah. Would you have believed that two or three years ago?
Israel thirsts for meaning. Israel thirsts for the Judaism of liberty. Slowly but surely, a new consciousness is being created here; Jewish consciousness. A wondrous energy of life and hope is awakening the Nation of Israel as it begins to fulfill its destiny. It could be that this year we will be in a new stage of Jewish history; the stage in which most of the Jewish People are in their Land. We may reach that point for the first time since the First Temple. The only question that remains is when will this wonderful Jewish revolution dovetail with Jewish leadership; leadership that is aware of and committed to Jewish destiny; leadership that will assemble all these desires and give them direction and significance. That is our task – all of us. Nobody will do it instead of us.
Moshe Feiglin's Speech (Only Hebrew)
That is why I have decided to announce my candidacy for chairmanship of the Likud and leadership of the State of Israel.
The Likud under my leadership will, with G-d's help, consolidate Israel around its Jewish identity and values.
The Likud under my leadership will, with G-d's help, restore the State of Israel to the Nation of Israel. Our state must be a Jewish state in its essence, not only in slogans. It must be a Jewish state in its society. It must be a Jewish state in its security. It must be a Jewish state in its economy and it must be a Jewish state in its justice system. Society, security, economy and justice.
Society in a Jewish state means first of all genuine Jewish education for every child in Israel. Society in a Jewish state means fortifying the status of the family with tax breaks, by enabling mothers to raise their children at home, by allocating a piece of the Land of Israel for free to every Jewish family. Society in a Jewish state means genuine liberty for every Israeli citizen, free and representative media, full human rights for all and political rights only for those who are faithful to the State of Israel as the state of the Jewish Nation.
He who believes does not fear a Jewish society.
Security in a Jewish state means, first of all, clear borders; the basic understanding that this is our Land by virtue of G-d's promise. Security in a Jewish state means declaration of sovereignty over all parts of the Land of Israel that is in our hands and that, by the way, word for word, is in the Likud constitution. Security in a Jewish state means fostering the emigration of all those who are not loyal to Israel as the state of the Jewish nation. Security in a Jewish state means restoring the concept of victory to the IDF. Today this concept has been neutered. It has disappeared from the IDF lexicon. Nobody talks about victory. Restoration of the concept of victory means the elimination of leadership – any leadership – that initiates a conflict with us; that should be noted by the Iranian leadership. Security in a Jewish state means power of deterrence; an offensive approach as a guarantee of peace. That is why, ladies and gentlemen, only someone who believes can bring security. Because he who believes is not afraid.
Jewish economy means first and foremost – liberty: A truly free economy - within the Jewish framework of faith and kindness. Only our Jewish culture has the proper balance that allows a truly free economy – capitalism – without sliding into the jungle that everyone fears. In other words, a free economy within the cultural framework of Jewish faith and kindness. Jewish economy means allocating welfare funds to the community. Only the community can really take care of those in need. Jewish economy means affordable housing for every Jew; first and foremost by allocation of the land to the public.
Justice in the Jewish state means first of all judges from the People and not from the UN. (ed: This is a play on words in Hebrew: am and oom). Justice in the Jewish state means completion of the legislation that would require public hearings for Supreme Court judges. Justice in the Jewish state means a constitution that preserves Israel's Jewish character and a Constitutional Court, elected by the public once in a decade, that will be the ultimate authority on national issues. Justice in the Jewish state means separating the role of the Attorney General from the role of State's Attorney. Justice in the Jewish state means gradual adoption of the Jewish law system.
Ladies and gentlemen, he who believes is not afraid to bring the Nation judges and a justice system that is from the people and not from the UN.
He who believes is not afraid to appoint a defense minister from the Likud!
He who believes is not afraid to build in the entire Land of Israel!
He who believes is not afraid of Jewish education and the Jewish family!
He who believes is not afraid and does not send soldiers to the Marmara with toy guns, humiliating the IDF.
He who believes is not afraid to return the infiltrators to their own countries. Just in the past month 3,000 of them infiltrated into Israel.
He who believes is not afraid to demand of Obama from every platform to free now, immediately, our brother Jonathan Pollard. I did not intend to talk about Jonathan Pollard; I have another few "I believes" here – but I see that the point about Jonathan Pollard evoked a standing ovation from you. I had the merit to visit our brother, my brother, Jonathan Pollard five or six times. Each time we engaged in long discussions. At a certain point I said to him, "You understand that for you to get out of prison, I have to be prime minister." No, it's not funny. And I asked him to do one thing: to pray.
He who believes is not afraid: Not of the High Court, not of the media and not of the Left – only of G –d.
He who believes is not afraid of our destiny.
He who believes is not afraid to return the Nation of Israel to the place that G-d chose; we will ascend to the Temple Mount to pray, to bring the Pesach offering, to make a pilgrimage three times a year.
He who believes in G-d, ladies and gentlemen is not afraid to proclaim, "This is our Land and it is ours forever."
Thank you all. We have one short month to work hard; G-d will do His part and with His help, we will succeed!
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One Choice: Fight to Win
4 months ago
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