Leo Rennert
American Thinker
30 August '10
In its Aug. 30 edition, the New York Times devotes considerable space to an article by Jerusalem correspondent Isabel Kershner about inflammatory remarks against Palestinians by a politically influential Israeli rabbi, Ovadia Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Orthodox Shas Party, which is part of the government ("Actors' Protest and Rabbi's Sermon Stoke Tensions in Israel Ahead of Peace Talks")
Kershner's six-column article takes up a full third of page A7. It quotes Yosef as calling Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas "evil" and praying that God strike "these Ishmaelites and Palestinians with a plague; these evil haters of Israel." It also quotes him as saying that Abbas "and all these evil people should perish from the earth."
The Times was right in publishing Yosef's remarks, especially since he's a major political player in the formation of Israeli governing coalitions.
The Times, however, is wrong in failing to publicize widespread incitement to violence against Israel on the part of Abbas and his governing party in the West Bank.
This double standard is made quite evident by a single sentence Kershner buries deep inside her article to the effect that "Israel is usually the one accusing the Palestinians of incitement, citing the naming of public squares, streets and cultural events for Palestinians who planned or carried out bloody attacks against Israelis."
Quite true, but such Palestinian incitement doesn't rate the splash given to Yosef's inciteful comments.
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