Elder of Ziyon
29 August '10
Mahmoud Abbas made a speech on the eve of negotiations with Israel.
He said that the only reason he agreed to negotiations is because the Quartet publicly confirmed their statement from last March that Israel must withdraw to the 1967 lines, including East Jerusalem. In his words:
The statement confirmed all previous statements of the Quartet ... the statement underlined the need to end the occupation that took place in 1967, including East Jerusalem, and not to recognize the Israeli annexation [of any territory.]
The only problem is, that is not what the Quartet said. The statement did request that Israel not expand settlements and stop demolitions in "East Jerusalem," but it also emphasized:
[T]he status of Jerusalem is a permanent status issue that must be resolved through negotiations between the parties...
And nowhere did they say that the final settlement must be based on the 1967 (really 1949) armistice lines.
In short, Abbas is lying.
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