Marc Prowiser
Yesha Views
14 December 09
Many have asked that I give an update and my view of the Security situation in Yehuda and Shomron today. Not an easy task, due to the many mitigating factors that change every time a Government official - either here in Israel, an Arab or American - sneezes.
The simplest way to put it is that we are here in our communities in our heartland and there are many Arabs that want us out, (not all of the Arabs wish to see the Jews leave this area). It is important to remember, that the want and desire to be “Jew Free”, doesn’t apply just to Yehuda and Shomron, but all of Israel, this view is not held by all Arabs, but certainly most.
It is impossible to discuss the Security situation in Yehuda and Shomron without first reminding everybody that this conflict did not start yesterday. Whereas this is not the place to get into a history lesson, it is the place to remind everybody that ignorance regarding the conflict is the wrong foot to stand on. To quote a friend, “the Jewish –Arab conflict started when Jews decided to fight back”.
I will discuss the situation today. Since Oslo, we have witnessed the birth of a new Arab army in the Middle East, that of the “Palestinian Authority”, however this is not the only Arab Military body in this region. There are many branches to this tree, with each branch spreading out to even more factions. Fatah itself is divided into many factions based on regions and philosophies, i.e. Nablus, Ramallah and so on. The same principal applies to Hamas, of course from there we can add on the Jihad Islami, PFLP, Al Qaeda, the list goes on. Each of these “Units” claims their own agenda and “work load”, but they do work also in accordance to the strategical and political whims of the two (Fatah and Hamas) leaderships.
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