by Hillel Fendel
Sivan 29, 5769
While the original article title began with "Pro-Yesha" I have parenthesized this because he has always been so much more then this. Hatikvah, Har Habayit, Maaleh Adumin, Yerushalayim, and the list goes on. I wish him all the best and hope that his pen/laptop is kept continously occupied on behalf of Am Yisrael b'Eretz Yisrael.
(Israelnationalnews.com) Nadav Shragai, who has been covering Jerusalem and the settlements in Judea and Samaria for Haaretz since 1983, is leaving his job. The change was effected by mutual consent.
Shragai told one of his colleagues, long-time Arutz-7 correspondent Haggai Huberman, that he is now considering other career possibilities: “I am checking into various ideas in different fields in which I have garnered knowledge and experience, and particularly regarding Jerusalem.”
Shragai is a grandson of one of Jerusalem’s first mayors, Shlomo Zalman Shragai.
“Everything is open, whether it be in media or in other frameworks,” Shragai said.
Haaretz publisher Amos Shocken said, “Nadav is a journalist with clear opinions; I do not agree with most of them, but I always found them interesting. His opinions never influenced his news reporting, which was always professional. I hope that his op-eds will continue to appear in Haaretz occasionally.”
Several years ago, Shocken wrote an op-ed proposing that HaTikvah - a song citing the Jewish yearning for Jerusalem and Jewish nationhood in the Holy Land – be replaced as Israel’s national anthem in favor of one that Arabs could feel at home with. Shragai wrote a counter-op-ed entitled, “Perhaps We Should Also Nullify the Flag,” which was printed in the left-wing paper in full.
Books and publications by Shragai include, “The Story of Rachel’s Tomb,” “Protecting the Contiguity of Israel: The E-1 Area and the Link Between Jerusalem and Maale Adumim,” “The Struggle for the Temple Mount,” “The Dangers of Dividing Jerusalem,” and many more.
He once said about the Yesha Council of Jewish Communities in Judea and Samaria that it deserves the Israel Prize for pioneering, for fulfilling Zionism, and for making the desert bloom.
Regarding the concept of “occupation” and “occupied territories,” Shragai said, “One who bases our rights in the Land of Israel on security, and not on our ancestral rights to our legacy, will end up using the terminology of ‘occupation’ and ‘conquest.’ One who sees himself as an occupier will become one. But one who sees himself as a son who has come home, will not be an occupier, but rather the resident landlord, and that’s how others will see him as well. Unfortunately, though the right-wing has won in the field, the left-wing has won the battle of public perception.”
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