Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Harming Israeli democracy? Look who’s calling whom ‘unXeptable’!

...If, on the other hand, the protests are about the tragedy of small businesses, then why are Palestinian and anarchist black flags flying overhead? And how is it connected to the proposed “annexation” of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria? In any case, all such issues are repeatedly on the proverbial and literal ballot. Indeed, each person at these weekly riots near Netanyahu’s residence has the right to vote—a right that was exercised, much to everyone’s dismay, three times in the course of the past year. Nor is there any guarantee that the outcome of a fourth-round would be different.

Ruthie Blum..
04 August '20..

Israeli expatriates living in California gathered on Friday near the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco to protest Prime Minister Benjamin (“Bibi”) Netanyahu.

Singing the Hebrew song “Kol Haolam Kulo Gesher Tzar Me’od” (“The world is a very narrow bridge”)—the lyrics of which are from Likutei Moharan, a collection of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov’s teachings—the dozens of expats accused Netanyahu of destroying Israeli democracy.

The organizers of this and similar rallies—held in solidarity with the mass protests that have become part of the weekend scenery in the country of their birth—are former Israelis who call their movement “UnXeptable.”

This otherwise scattered crew from different locations in the United States and Europe has in common the type of attachment to the land they love and left as to cause them to pine for activism in their mother tongue. And it’s no wonder, considering the errors in English on their Facebook page, starting with the second half of their title: “Saving the Israeli democracy.”

Given the seriousness of their quest, they might have asked a native to proofread their copy before posting it on social media. Apparently, they were in too much of a hurry to bother, however, what with the urgency of the task at hand.

(Continue to Full Column)

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