Monday, January 14, 2019

Palestinian Authority minister promotes anti-Israel conspiracy theory – why it matters. - by Adam Levick

...Whilst the media – and most international diplomats – focus almost entirely on settlements as an obstacle to two states, they all but ignore such Palestinian pathologies – reactionary and irrational ideas that are inimical to peace, progress and responsible self-rule. Until such behavior is called out with the same fervor and moral force as condemnation of the settlements, Palestinians will have little incentive to embark on a real program for reform, and Israelis will have little reason for hope that two states will actually achieve peace.

Adam Levick..
UK Media Watch..
14 January '19..

Though British media outlets covering the region subject nearly every Israeli moral failure to something akin to a forensic examination, Palestinians (as we’ve documented continually) are usually spared this level of scrutiny – representing a pattern of double standards that egregiously skew reports about the conflict.

The latest example of disturbing behavior by a PA minister that likely won’t be reported by the media involves his promotion of a bizarre anti-Israel conspiracy theory , per a report by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW):

PMW notes that the charge that Israel spreads drugs (and AIDS) in Palestinian society has actually been promoted countless times by PA officials, including even Mahmoud Abbas.

However, rather than focusing on the media’s failure to cover this libel, let’s consider instead how high level Palestinian officials promoting such conspiracies reflects on their society.

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