Hadar Sela..
BBC Watch..
19 January '16..
As our colleagues at CAMERA documented back in October, there is a relatively new kid on the block of Gaza Strip terror and – given both the Sunni-Shiia proxy wars currently blighting the Middle East and the fact that the Iranian regime now has more cash to spare – its background and affiliations as reported by the invaluable Khaled Abu Toameh are of particular interest at this time.
“The new Iranian-backed Al-Sabireen was established in wake of tensions between Iran and its two former allies in the Gaza Strip: Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Since the beginning of the Syrian crisis four years ago, relations between Tehran and Hamas and Islamic Jihad have been strained. […]
Al-Sabireen, whose emblem is identical to that of another Iran proxy, Hezbollah, so far has about 400 followers in the Gaza Strip. Each one receives a monthly salary of $250-$300, while the senior officials of the group get at least $700.”
On October 20th 2015, one of Al Sabireen’s operatives was killed near al Bureij when the IDF targeted a sniper cell.
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