Dror Eydar..
Israel Hayom..
19 January '16..
It is worth reading the speech U.S. Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro gave at the Institute for National Security Studies conference on Monday. Just hours after we buried Dafna Meir, may God avenge her blood, Shapiro delivered a slap to our faces in a self-aggrandizing address in which he highlighted the wonderful accomplishments that were made possible by "America's global leadership" in recent years. Shapiro said the Iran nuclear deal made "all of us safer."
I hope he is right, but I highly doubt it. As a king of Israel once said, "Don't count your chickens before they hatch."
Shapiro praised U.S. policy in Syria and Iraq and vowed that the Islamic State group would ultimately be defeated. Tell that to hundreds of thousands of Syrians who have been murdered and the millions who have been displaced. Tell that to the women who have been raped and sold into sex slavery and to the Christians who have been forced to convert to Islam. Is this the "global leadership" to which you referred, Ambassador Shapiro?
The real treat came in the middle of the speech.
"We are concerned and perplexed by Israel's strategy on settlements," Shapiro said, adding, "Settler outposts are being legalized -- despite earlier pledges to the United States not to do so." In that line, he was referring to Gush Etzion. He then topped it off by saying, "At times there seem to be two standards of adherence to the rule of law: one for Israelis and another for Palestinians."
If you think Israel is practicing apartheid, Ambassador Shapiro, just say so outright, as that was the grave implication of your words. Parts of the Left in both Israel and the U.S. have already crossed that line.
Shapiro asked, "What is Israel's plan for resolving the conflict?" (Well, we'll contain the conflict for now and deepen our roots in the land of our forefathers. Thanks for asking, Mr. Ambassador!) Can Shapiro tell us what America's plan is? Secretary of State John Kerry visited here countless times and came up with nothing. Does the U.S. want us to hand over the heart of our homeland to a weak Palestinian entity that would soon be taken over by Islamic madmen?
Europe has also taken a break for a moment from the problems posed by the millions of Muslim migrants who have flooded the continent to focus on "selection" between Israel's pre-1967 Auschwitz borders and the lands of the ancient cradle of the Jewish people. This is also the birthplace of Christianity, whose first adherents were Jewish "settlers."
But Europe has become accustomed to labeling Jews. The Palestinians do not need to exert any effort. Both Shapiro's speech and the EU's actions are part of a set pattern of behavior in which Israel is always to blame for the failure of negotiations (it used to be that the Jews were to blame). Time and time again, the Americans and Europeans try to resolve the Israeli-Arab conflict by using rational tools taken from the school of causal thinking. But this is the Middle East, the cradle of world civilization, and people here think differently. The only common value is hatred of the Jews.
Ambassador Shapiro, please tell Secretary Kerry that the British Mandate for Palestine ended more than 67 years ago and the White Paper is a dusty archive item, historical evidence of the global effort (including by the U.S.) to prevent the Jewish people's return to Zion. Jewish settlement throughout our homeland is not the problem, it is the solution. Once you understand this, the world will be a safer place.
Link: http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_opinion.php?id=15017
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