Thursday, October 10, 2013

Slightly slower than US and PA now demand, but murdering terrorists will be freed by Israel

...And where in all this analysis are the victim families, those citizens of Israel who are entitled to know the law and justice system is respected by the political echelon. This nasty, humiliating and self-defeating deal flies in the face of justice. It ignores the voices of the victims.

Frimet/Arnold Roth..
This Ongoing War..
09 October '13..

An important, though hardly prominent, Haaretz news report this morning ["Netanyahu rejects Palestinian, U.S. request to bring forward next round of prisoner release"] seems to present the prime minister in a way that shows his toughness and determination. That's evidently a positioning that serves the interests of the some Israeli news editors for the moment. (We see now that Times of Israel has a similar report up with a very similar choice of headline: "Netanyahu rejects Palestinian, American call for early prisoner release".)

In reality, the story is about a craven bending to the will of others and an abandonment of principles and integrity. The last thing it represents is some sort of impliedly courageous move against powerful opponents.


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