Friday, January 11, 2013

When pundits or commentators next tell us Israel must relax its anti-terrorism measures, ....

here is what they are hiding or ignoring

Head of Fatah celebrates "birthday" [Image Source]
Frimet/Arnold Roth..
This Ongoing War..
11 January '13..

Living in one of the world's most contentious places, Israelis and Jerusalemites like us have grown accustomed to prescriptions from 'experts' that begin with some variant of "Israel is not doing enough and must agree to X so that there can be peace". This X tends to vary over time - see Rogers Plan, Madrid Plan, Geneva Accord and so many others.

But the condescension of the advice, as if Israelis did not want peace, rarely does.

Even rarer is a peace formulation that takes honest and accurate notice of what the Arab side is doing and saying. (We believe the doing is far more important than the saying but we have always asserted that when those Arab voices advocating terrorism speak up, they absolutely should be heard and their message understood.)

A week ago today, the head of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas, who is also, it is often overlooked, leader of the PLO and of the Fatah terrorist movement, delivered a major speech. It was given in Arabic of course, and since hardly a single one of the many Western journalists covering this area is fluent in that language, there was little media coverage other than what reporters from the major international news syndication agencies chose to reprint from the English-language handouts provided to them by Abbas' circle.


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