Amin Farouk..
Gatestone Institute..
24 December '12..
In a field near the Islamic University -- where PhD theses are written on topics such as "The role of the Muslim mother in preparing her sons to be shaheeds [martyrs] of the resistance" -- the Gaza Strip stronghold of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and the other terrorist organizations, a large outdoor rally was recently held to glorify, celebrate and promote anti-Semitism and genocide.
There were 2,500 in attendance: representatives from the Islamic countries, representatives from the West Bank, terrorist operatives who had been released from Israeli jails, and a Fatah delegation.
On stage was an enormous model of an M-75 rocket, which opened to reveal terrorist leader Khaled Mashaal and his entourage, who marched out to bask in Gazan adulation. Israeli cut-ups joked that he had recruited an entire Gazan kindergarten as human shields to protect him from an Israeli attack. Next to him stood his deputy, Musa Abu Marzuq, who, like Egyptian Islamist President Mohamed Morsi, has a couple of American university degrees in his quiver.
Raising his fists to make his intentions absolutely clear, and repeatedly slashing his hand up and down to emphasize a point, Mashaal did not mince words: he roused his cheering audience by calling for the destruction of Israel. With engaging frankness he revealed Hamas's agenda, honed by him and his fellow Muslim Brothers: he pointed to the rocket behind him and bragged about the "rain of missiles" the Gazan terrorist organizations had launched on Israeli civilians, especially in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, where Al-Aqsa mosque, the third holiest site in Islam, is located. He called for the annihilation of the Jews and the destruction of their homeland, for the continuation of rocket fire and terrorist attacks, for the abduction of IDF soldiers, and for the "return" of the Palestinian refugees, and for jihad until the "liberation" of all "Palestine." Ironically, while he was preaching genocide of the Jews in Israel, he was accusing the Jews in Israel of "racism."
Mashaal appealed to the masses in the Gaza Strip, and around the globe, with his familiar theme: hatred of the Jews. He trotted out the politically correct European version of anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism, claiming that Hamas was not fighting the Jews but wanted to exterminate "only" the "Zionists" -- "only" the six million Jews in Israel. It was a moment reminiscent of Hitler's final attempt to wipe out all the Jews of Europe: Mashaal, standing next to the ruins of Hamas's offices -- the Gaza Strip's Reichstag - calling for the murder of Jews.
Mashaal appealed to the countries of the world -- those same Christian enthusiasts in the UN who had just given "President" Mahmoud Abbas recognition for the state of "Palestine" -- to help drive the Zionists out of "Palestine" by peaceful means, lest they be forced to suffer a bitter fate that awaited them.
Since the seventh century, when Muhammad himself, the perfect man, killed the Jews of Khaybar, the Khaybar Massacre has not only served in as the justification in the Islamic heritage for the murder of Jews; it has also been the model for today's Islamic terrorist organizations, including Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the Popular Resistance Committees.
"Palestine," shouted Mashaal to his audience, was Arabic, Islamic, from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River; his audience chanted its support. The "racist Zionists," he claimed, had stolen both land and history; they had no place in "Palestine." Realizing there might be other forces to deal with, he said, "This land is the country of the Arab Islamic people where only Muslims and Christians will live." With a sweep of his hand he wiped away the history of the Jewish people, its rights to the land, the history of the Temple built by King Solomon, the priests who served it, and Jesus, the Jew of Nazareth who, preaching in Jerusalem, the capital of the Jews, laid the foundations for Christianity.
Mashaal pinpointed the religious roots of the ancient anti-Semitism, currently presenting itself as pro-Palestinianism, and called on "Muslims and Christians to live as partners in liberated Palestine."
He carefully forgot to mention, however, that Christians were being methodically persecuted, murdered and ethnically cleansed throughout Africa, the Middle East and in the Palestinian Authority. Residents of ancient Christian strongholds -- the Copts in Egypt, the Christians in Bethlehem -- are hunted, their churches torched, their property pillaged, their women raped, and entire communities forced to move to the West.
If Khaled Mashaal had been honest with the Christians -- as he had been honest when advertising his desire for the destruction of the Jews in Israel -- he would have said that, according to Islam, the Christians were infidels, Crusaders, invaders, who either had to convert to Islam or die by the sword.
According to Mashaal's "Islamic idyll," the old Islamic proverb still holds: "We will begin on Saturday and end on Sunday": First we finish off the Jews and then we finish off the Christians.
Nor was the Palestinian Authority spared: Mashaal indirectly accused it of treason -- it had prevented terrorist attacks against Israel from being carried out from its territory. He said he was prepared for a Gaza Strip-West Bank union, but on the condition that the armed campaign continue; that the right of Israel to exist was off the table, and that the PLO bring its charter into alignment with the Hamas charter. Apparently, as far as Khaled Mashaal is concerned, the Palestinian Authority will cease to exist and will quickly be replaced by Hamas.
In the final analysis, it turns out that the countries of the West, which complied with Mahmoud Abbas's appeal and recognized "Palestine" as a non-member observer state in the UN, were not only hasty but irresponsible. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas -- who can barely control the West Bank; who uses his media to broadcast militaristic songs urging the wresting of "all Palestine" from the hands of the Israelis, who is scared to enter the Gaza Strip, and who never mentioned, let alone condemned, the rockets targeting Israeli civilians or Mashaal's threats to destroy Israel -- announced not only that the Palestinian Authority would no longer arrest Hamas operatives, but also -- despite UN recognition -- that it was not interested in negotiating peace with Israel.
Ismail Haniya, head of the Hamas administration, probably trying to exploit the European momentum for promoting the Palestinians, demanded that the West remove Hamas from its lists of designated terrorist organizations.
In the past week, there have been marches in the West Bank in support of Hamas, where demonstrators have carried models of missiles and called for a third intifada.
The Palestinian public knows the Palestinian Authority continues to exist only by virtue of the periodic injections of money it receives, and the security supplied by Israel, and that the West Bank will eventually drop into the waiting lap of Hamas. Thus, thanks to the international help it received from the UN, official acceptance of "Palestine" will pass over from Fatah to Hamas in the West Bank -- causing "Palestine" to become the first terrorist state created and recognized by Europe and the UN.
The next step will be Iranian- and Syrian-manufactured missiles fired at Ben-Gurion International Airport, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv -- stepping stones on the road to the liberation of "Palestine."
Khaled Mashaal and his associates hide behind their own civilians, using them as human shields, while deliberately attacking Israelis. They are war criminals. They plot and plan and take action for the annihilation of the Jews in Israel; they do it openly, relentlessly, day and night. They do it from territory considered part of the new Palestinian state, recognized as "Palestine" by the UN, and rapidly turning into "Hamastine;" and they do it while the world watches.
Khaled Mashaal and his associates should be tried by the International War Crimes Court in the Hague for deliberately shooting rockets (more than 1,800 in 2012 alone) at the Israeli civilian population; for launching an anti-tank missile at a schoolbus on April 7, 2011; for sending 147 suicide bombers to blow themselves up on public buses, at a discotheque, at a wedding, in markets, restaurants, and shopping malls between 2000 and 2010; for slitting the throat of a three-month-old baby girl on March 11, 2011; and publicly taking responsibility for attempting to carry out the genocide of the Jews in Israel, in direct contravention of the U.N. 1948 Convention of the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
The West, which stands on the sidelines and condones their criminality through inaction, should take into consideration that eventually Israel will be forced to take determined steps against the Palestinian terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip, as the Allies did for example, against Dresden. When that happens, the UN would do well not to complain: Israel has the right to defend itself, just as, in the Second World War, the Allies had the right to defend themselves -- as any country has a right to defend itself.
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One Choice: Fight to Win
4 months ago
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