Yarden Frankl..
Honest Reporting..
30 July '12..
Tel Aviv is NOT Israel's capital. Please help us counter the campaign against Jerusalem by sending this video to your friends and posting on Facebook and Twitter.
In April, the Guardian Newspaper -- one of the UK's most influential newspapers -- declared that Tel Aviv is Israel's Capital.
Tel Aviv is an Amazing city. Anyone who visits will find cutting edge high-tech, beautiful beaches, vibrant nightlife, rich culture, and a diverse mix of people.
But is Tel Aviv Israel's capital?
We tried to find out.
Published on Jul 30, 2012 by HonestReportingVideo
Tel Aviv has a lot to be proud of. But is not the seat of Israel's government.
It is not the location for:
The Prime Minister's office
The Israeli Legislature (Knesset)
The Israeli Supreme Court
The National Bank of Israel
These institutions can be found in Jerusalem, Israel's real capital.
Don't let the Guardian and other media try to tell you that it isn't.
Tired of seeing Israel getting slammed in the media?
Check out www.HonestReporting.com
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vegihZ7Kkgw&feature=share
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