Guest Post: David Pakter..
26 July '12..
The following story appeared in Reuters news on Wednesday.
"Israel's Barak calls for swifter action against Iran"
Below is David Pakter's ("Reuters1945") posted response and remarks to Reuters News in their comment section. Our thanks once again to David for sharing and making this available to our readers.
Iran, as well as numerous other State actors, as well as numerous non-State actors, have repeatedly called for the final destruction of the State of Israel. In addition, the Constitutions of many of the above explicitly make clear the intention of the above parties to work tirelessly and continuously to achieve Israel's removal from the map of the Middle East.
Israel, in glaring contrast to the actions and endless threats of the above referenced parties, has never called for the destruction of those same parties or questioned their right to exist. On the contrary the State of Israel wishes only "to live and let live".
Given the above status quo, in which Israel's confirmed enemies have sworn repeatedly they will never waver in their stated goal/s to destroy the State of Israel, which they have attempted but failed to achieve, during numerous wars in the past- no one should be surprised that Israel would, and certainly should, take any and all threats to its survival, most seriously.
Iran cannot seriously believe that it can continuously call for Israel's destruction, without Israel at some point being forced to make a strategic decision regarding the level of danger that Iran's repeated threats, represent.
The recent horrendous bombing of a bus in Bulgaria, by a suicide bomber, which killed and maimed so many Israeli tourists, is simply one more eye opening wake up call that there are people in the world whose hate for Jews knows no bounds.
No sane person can, or should, have any doubt/s that if a suicide bomber ever has the opportunity to detonate a portable, suitcase size nuclear weapon at a predetermined targeted location, such a suicide bomber will not hesitate for a moment to exploit such technology, which already exists.
After all why stop at killing five people when you can kill five thousand with no additional effort. Of course there is then the question of how many additional people would also die in the weeks following the original blast, from the ensuing nuclear fallout and radiation. The mind reels at the endless, lethal possibilities of nuclear technology getting into the wrong hands.
There are included in all civilized religious belief systems the idea of "thou shall not kill". But it also is stated in the Old Testament that if a man knows his enemy plans to murder him and his family in the morning, then that man is not only allowed/forgiven, but obligated to kill that enemy during the previous night to save himself and his family.
If the Holocaust taught the Jewish people, anything, (not to mention the entire world), it is that when one is threatened, either by one individual or entire nation states and their rulers, one must take those threats seriously and act accordingly- and before it is too late.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Never again means precisely that for the State of Israel.
If Israel launches an attack on Iran, be it late or soon, neither Iran not the entire civilized world for that matter, should be in the least bit surprised.
Those who wish ill unto and makes repeated threats to destroy the State of Israel should expect that Israel will feel it has no other option but to take those existential threats seriously and act accordingly.
Clearly, the enemies of Israel have not, even at this late date in history come to understand that what you sow, is what you will reap.
And indeed, surely there is not a thinking person anywhere in the world who can doubt for a moment that Iran, as well as its proxies, will one day come to sorely rue its repeated and open calls for Israel's destruction.
David Pakter, NY
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One Choice: Fight to Win
5 months ago
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