Tafline Laylin..
Green Prophet..
25 July '12..
It only costs Izhar Gafni 9-12 USD to produce this sleek, waterproof and roadworthy cardboard bike. At the behest of his wife (who was tired of Gafni’s talk without action), the Israeli Kibbutznik developed an earth-friendly alternative for urban cyclists that is “so cheap it’s not worth stealing.” Like most innovators, Gafni defied the naysayers who said it’s impossible to make a bicycle out of cardboard in order to realize this creation, though the journey was not without its pitfalls. Check out images taken from Giora Kariv’s six-minute film (below) that demonstrate what a cardboard bike is made of.
Izhar cardboard bike project
Click here to see the photos
Link: http://www.greenprophet.com/2012/07/usd9-cardboard-bike-israel-photos/
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One Choice: Fight to Win
5 months ago
great idea a bike made out of cardboard. how much are the selling for?