Sunday, June 17, 2012

Hamas's pipe dreams

Pesach Benson..
Honest Reporting/Backspin..
14 June '12..

BBC and some non-governmental organizations broke out the violins for the Gaza’s children: the drinking water’s contanimated and you know whose fault that is.

The charities Save the Children and Medical Aid for Palestinians say the number of children being treated for diarrhoea has doubled in five years.

They say Israel’s five-year blockade of the territory is preventing crucial sanitation equipment from getting in.

The blockade must be lifted “in its entirety”, they say.

My heart goes out to the sick kids. They don’t deserve this.

That said, Hamas and its Big Media sycophants have a pipe dream that Israel simply lift the blockade of Gaza regardless of the security costs involved. That’s one reason NGO reports like this one attract press interest.

But no conversation about Gaza’s sewage system is complete without some info that goes against the Beeb/NGO storyline:

The Palestinians ripped up their own sewage system to make rockets out of the pipes. And deliveries of Israeli-made pipes were sent to Qassam factories, which is why Israel no longer sends the material.

Of course, Gazans can look across their southern border to Egypt for sewage assistance, advice, and inspiration, right?

Uh, maybe not.


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1 comment:

  1. Jonathan EntwistleJune 17, 2012 at 11:29 PM

    Thank you for this interesting and informative article, we don't get enough info like this in the west.
