Friday, September 17, 2010

Refugee protesters wave keys at Abbas and Clinton

Point of No Return
16 September '10

Jewish refugees waved giant replicas of the keys to their homes in Iraq, Morocco, Algeria and Egypt during an official demonstration held yesterday to coincide with the visit to the Prime Minister's office in Jerusalem of Hilary Clinton and Mahmoud Abbas.

Some 20 demonstrators held placards in Hebrew and English with slogans such as the following: "we too have keys"; "The road to peace is compensation for Jewish refugees from Arab countries, as well as Palestinians."

The demonstration was organised by the Association for the Advancement of Compensation to Jewish Refugees, chaired by Azi Nagar. The Association was set up a year ago to persuade the Israeli government to press Iraq and Egypt, and other states at peace with Israel like Morocco, to give Jewish refugees compensation.

(Read full post)

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  1. This seems more like a political stunt. I have to ask: how many of those Jews would actually *want* to return to Morocco, Tunisia, Yemen, Libya, Iraq, etc.?

    I mean, if I'm living in inner-city Baltimore and the government forces me to leave because of my race, and I end up in Ellicott City (a very affluent area), do you really think I would want to return to my old home or actually fight for my right to return there?

    Most of these Jews live very good lives in Israel while the Palestinians in refugee camps live horrible ones. This little protest is nothing more than a stunt, not a show of compassion.

  2. Dear Anonymous,
    The article was not an article addressing compassion but an issue of justice. Jewish refugees were stripped of their homes, businesses, and financial assets, after living in a number of these countries for 2,000 years or more. Arab refugees tend to be as such because their "brethren " have no interest in them whatsoever. Their fellow Arabs who stayed behind and constitute about 20% of the Israel's citizens are dong fine. With the exception of Iran, the Jewish population of the other countries was cleaned out. The demonstration demanded just compensation for all parties, Jewish and Arab.
