Monday, April 27, 2020

Own Goal!: — Calling Hebron Occupied and then Showing the 97% that is not. - by Sheri Oz

It is amazing how many errors, um, lies, you can fit into two minutes.

Sheri Oz..
Israel Diaries..
26 April '20..

News of the impending appropriation of a few meters of land, the few meters required to build an accessiblity elevator to the Cave of the Patriarchs, has resulted in the production of the amusing propaganda video in the Tweet below. Let me show you how many errors there are in this very short piece if you were unable to pick them out yourself but watch it first and see if you can find all of them:

First: Of course we are exploiting the Coronavirus! We have nothing else to worry about regarding the virus than to use it as cover for harming our neighbours. (These two sentences are supposed to be read with a sarcastic tone of voice.) Regarding the closing of the mosque to visitors, all places of worship are closed in Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) in order to prevent spread of the disease. And I can assure you that as soon as the danger is passed, worshipers will again be allowed in. But the producers of this film know that as well.

Second: we are taking over the entire Ibrahimi Mosque, er… the Cave of the Patriarchs? Hmm. Appropriating a few meters of land does not constitute “imposing full control” over the site. And that does not constitute turning the mosque into a synagogue.

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