Simon Plosker..
Honest Reporting..
09 September '19..
Unidentified aircraft, widely believed to be Israeli, carried out overnight airstrikes on targets belonging to Iran-backed militias near Syria’s border with Iraq.
The BBC‘s report states:
It was not clear who carried out the overnight strikes in and around the town of Albu Kamal.
But Israel has carried out hundreds of attacks on Iranian-linked targets in Syria during the country’s civil war.
It has sought to thwart what it calls Iran’s “military entrenchment” in Syria and shipments of Iranian weapons to militant groups such as Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Having made it clear that Israel is the prime suspect (which is entirely possible, even probable), this text is followed by a video. Here is a screenshot of the video image:
An emotive and disturbing image of a Kurdish child disfigured by an airstrike.
But when included just after text suggesting that Israel has just carried out an airstrike, it is clear what the average reader will take away.
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