Frimet/Arnold Roth..
This Ongoing War..
29 May '12..
The chronology below picks up where we left off a week ago ["24-May-12: Terrorism from up close: the past few days"]. Like the earlier data, this is based on the Tayar Security Report, compiled by Yehudit Tayar.
Thursday May 24, 2012
- The village of El Arub, southwest of Bethlehem on the Bethlehem-to-Hebron road: A bottle is hurled at an IDF post
Hawara, south of Shechem (aka Nablus): Rocks are thrown at Israeli vehicles. A bus is damaged.
- The vehicle of one of the Jewish residents of Hebron is blockaded on the main road between Kiryat Arba and Hebron. The driver is fortunately able to extricate herself from a potentially very harmful situation.
- The Jewish section of Hebron: A bottle is thrown at an Israeli bus
- Near El Fuar in the Southern Hebron Hills: A rock attack on an Israeli bus
- El Arub (again): Rocks are hurled at vehicles traveling on the Gush Etzion-Hebron arterial road
- Bet Umar, notorious site of a large number of rock throwing attacks: Additional such attacks directed at vehicles traveling the Gush Etzion-Hebron road
- The road between Turmus Aya and Shilo in the Benjamin region: One again, rock attacks on Israeli vehicles
- Kiryat Arba in the vicinity of the Palestinian Arab neighbourhood of Jebel Johar: A rock-throwing attack on the nearby IDF security post
Friday May 25, 2012
- Once more (see our previous report), Palestinian Arabs engaged in systematic throwing of rocks from speeding vehicles at Israeli vehicles and their drivers and passengers, an action calculated to produce death and maiming (of the kind for which several Palestinian Arabs are currently on trial for the murders of Asher Palmer and his year old son - see "25-Sep-11: "Only" rock throwers - but now a father and his infant son are dead"). This time, the attack took place near the Israeli community of Ofra in the Benjamin region. An IDF patrol searched for the perpetrators, but so far without success.
Sunday May 27, 2012
- Hebron, near the IDF checkpost adjacent to the Tomb of the Patriarchs: A Palestinian Arab is apprehended with a large knife. He confesses to planning to attack and stab Israelis.
- Hebron near Police Square: A Palestinian Arab is apprehended by security forces in possession of a knife and suspected of planning a terrorist attack
- The Israeli community of Yitzhar in the Shomron (Samaria district): Palestinian Arabs start a fire in the community's fields. Fire fighters Take two hours to bring the blaze under control. While they are engaged in fire fighting, the authorities as well as IDF security forces come under attack from Palestinian Arabs, one of whom - brandishing a knife - is shot and immobilized by security personnel.
- Shuafat: Attacks by rocks and Molotov cocktails (firebombs) on security personnel.
- In the vicinity of the city of Modi'in, halfway between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, five Molotov cocktails (firebombs) are hurled at a Border Police patrol close to the village of A-Tira
- Tapuah security checkpost: As reported here yesterday ("28-May-12: Tapuah Junction: Yet another suspect nabbed with pipe bombs on him"), a Palestinian Arab is caught and remanded to custody after three firebombs and three pipebombs are found hidden in his possession - we reported on this
- Hawara (again): An Israeli bus comes under rock attack
- Bet Umar, notorious site of a large number of rock throwing attacks: Another such attack is made on an Israeli civilian bus traveling the Gush Etzion-Hebron road
Monday May 28, 2012
- In the Israeli community of Kedumim, in the Shomron (Samaria district), there are multiple burglaries in the town's mobile-home neighborhood
- Kochav Yaakov: A suspected Palestinian Arab intruder penetrates the community, causing a state of high alert to go into effect. Previous such penetrations have had catastrophic outcomes.
- Tekoa, south of Jerusalem: There are reports that over Shabbat, Israeli anarchists and Palestinian Arabs conducted a violent demonstration at the entrance to the community
- Bet Umar: Yet another rock-hurling attack on an Israeli civilian bus traveling the Gush Etzion-Hebron road
- Around 5 this morning, on the Israel-Egypt border near Carmit, 10 illegal Chinese infiltrators accompanied by four armed people-smugglers are caught. Several people are injured during the arrests.
- South-west of Shechem (Nablus): A fire bomb is thrown at an IDF post at Tel Aras
Safe to say that almost without exception, these calculated and premeditated attacks - every one of which has the potential to take or damage lives - go unreported outside the immediate area, making it difficult to understand Israel's constant preparedness and vigilance.
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One Choice: Fight to Win
4 months ago
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