Yisrael Medad..
My Right Way..
27 February '12..
Video here:
Note that these intellectually-oriented students have to read from notes to get their message out.
Story here:
A group of young leftist University of New Mexico students crashed a talk by pro-Israel Nonie Darwish on their campus Thursday night, but were surprised when older audience members got up out of their seats and pushed them out posthaste.
"Nonie Darwish speaks for Israeli apartheid! And genocide at the hands of the IDF," the leftists yelled. However, older audience members with a no-nonsense approach walked up to the students and began pushing them out. The leftist disturbance had barely lasted a minute by the time the rioters had all been pushed out the door.
The title of the talk was "Why the Arab Spring Is Failing."...
[Note: While news accounts across the board have referred to those disrupting as UNM students, the account below this particular Youtube included the STATEMENT FROM (Un)Occupy Albuquerque:...The protestors, some of whom are UNM students and affiliated with the (Un)Occupy Albuquerque movement,... not much of a surprise, but knowing that this disruption of an event on campus was by non-students, would have generated even more resentment. Yosef]
Link: http://myrightword.blogspot.com/2012/02/grandfathersgrandmothers-against.html
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One Choice: Fight to Win
4 months ago
I like the way they're trying to portray this as a freedom of speech issue when it was them who tried to stop Nonie from speaking...