Leftist coalition operating anti-Israel boycott website gets it wrong
Hagai Segal
29 November 09
The leftist boycott industry against Israel is becoming increasingly sophisticated with the passage of time. For example, the Coalition of Women for Peace operates an English-language website that presents a comprehensive list of plants that are related to the settlements in one way or another.
All the plants on the web site are presented as ones that benefit at the expense of an occupied nation. The site is called "Who Profits?"
However, the Coalition of Women for Peace does not make do with just providing the names of plants, the kind of goods they produce, and their exact address. The website also provides the names of the owners, perhaps so that one of these days it would be possible to bring them to trial at the International Court of Justice at The Hague on charges of committing crimes by benefiting from the occupation.
Among other names, until this weekend at least the website noted that a woman called Noa Alon is one of the owners of a Jewish food-processing plant in the West Bank.
Well, for the benefit of the highly moral European followers of the website, I will note that Noa Alon has not been the owner of that plant for a long time now. A Palestinian terrorist murdered her as well as her young granddaughter, Gal Eisenman, in a suicide attack at Jerusalem's French Hill neighborhood about seven years ago.
Both grandmother and granddaughter have been laid to rest in the small cemetery in the West Bank community of Ofra, not too far from the industrial zone where the plant was located before it was relocated to the kosher side of the Green Line.
I wonder whether their very burial there also constitutes a type of benefit of the occupation.
BSD Have you been able to post this information of her death, etc. on this site that lists her as the owner? This is a tragedy!
ReplyDeleteI hadn't checked but it's probably just a listing of company and director/owner which needs to be changed by the originator.