Rick Richman
04 December 09
In Haaretz yesterday, Ari Shavit detailed the results of Netanyahu’s serial efforts to commence negotiations with the Palestinians:
He accepts the principle of two states, and receives no response. He suspends construction in the settlements, and is rejected. He courts Mahmoud Abbas, and is disparaged. The son of Ze’ev Jabotinsky’s personal secretary wants a historic reconciliation with the Palestinians, and the Palestinians are slamming the door. He is offering the Palestinian national movement negotiations over the establishment of a Palestinian nation-state, and has found that there’s no one to talk to and nothing to talk about. Zilch. A brick wall.
Sometimes you get the impression that the Palestinian Arabs do not really want a Palestinian state. They could have had one in 1919 (the Weizmann-Feisel Agreement), 1937 (the Peel Commission), 1947 (UN Resolution 181), 2000 (the Camp David proposal), 2001 (the Clinton Parameters), or 2008 (the Annapolis Process offer). Six formal offers — each accepted by the Jews and rejected by the Arabs.
The peace-partner Palestinians do not really have a negotiating position — only a set of demands to reverse history. They demand that Israel withdraw to the 1967 lines to reverse the Six-Day War (a war the Arabs caused). They demand a “right of return” to reverse the 1948 war (a war the Arabs started). They demand all of East Jerusalem — not simply the Arab neighborhoods and Muslim religious sites — to control the historic portion of the city; they concede no Jewish connection to the Temple Mount or the Western Wall.
Evelyn argued persuasively today that the goal of Hamas in its negotiations for the release of nearly a thousand Palestinian prisoners — in exchange for one Israeli soldier — is not really the release of the prisoners. A similar insight explains the absence of a Palestinian state despite 90 years of two-state offers, increasing Israeli concessions throughout the Oslo and Annapolis “peace processes,” and Netanyahu’s unsuccessful efforts to commence negotiations once again. A second state is not really what the Palestinians want — not if the cost is recognition of a Jewish one in defensible borders. What they really want is something else.
B"H -
ReplyDelete"They provoked Me with a non-god, angered Me with their vanities; so shall I provoke them with a non people, with a wile nation shall I anger them” (Deut. 32:21).
It is clear that the "palestinians" are sent by Hashem to anger us, and boy, aren't they good at that?
However, now that we know this, we also know where the solution to our "palestinians problem" lies. It is time the Jews understand that in order to live and to live in peace we have to follow G-d's peace plan, not Bush's or Obama's. G-d peace plan is written in the Torah, so we know what there is to. We have to MAKE TSUVA, individually and collectively.
National tsuva implies Jewish institution building. Knesset, Supreme Court, etc. are not Jewish, Torah institutions and therefore they are not and can not be good for us: democracy is not good for us. It may be good for the nations, for America: it is not good for us.
We meant to have a different model. We meant not to ask the people what our laws should be, we should enforce Hashem's Law on ourselves and THUS be a light onto the nations.
So, if we want peace upon us all, it is clear that our first step, strangely enough, should be to distance ourselves from the Golden Calf and: stop voting. Let the "democratic process" in Israel implode on itself and then we'll have a chance to pretend and establish our Jewish institutions: The Beit Mikdash on the Temple Mount of Jerusalem, The Sanhedrin and a King. I personally would prefer Hashem to be accepted to be King and not only on Rosh HaShana, but maybe it's too much to ask for at this stage. Our people don't know His Name. Yet.