Elder of Ziyon..
06 March '20..
Palestinian Arabic histories online continue to create fantastic new facts about a people who never existed before the last century.
This article in Al Watan by Ali Oqla Arsan about the history of Jerusalem says that Arabs were in the area from the fourth millennium BC, something that historians would be interested in knowing.
For the purposes of the article, though, everyone in the area had to be Arab because then, if they were between the Mediterranean and the Jordan they could be considered "Palestinians."
As a result, the Jebusites who controlled Jerusalem - who we only know about from the Jewish scriptures - are Palestinians.
In his fantasy retelling of history, the writer says that the native Arabs resisted the invasion of the Jews. Even David wasn't able to wrest control of Jerusalem from the Arabs. During the days of David and Solomon, Jews only had a kind of limited autonomy that was graciously granted by the Arabs of the area.
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