Itamar Marcus..
Palestinian Media Watch..
05 January '20..
What does it mean for a little boy to be “ammunition”?
That is the question the UN Human Rights Council, UNICEF and every Palestinian child should be asking now that Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah has declared that Palestinian boys should forget toys, forget childhood, and forget having a future – because they are merely “ammunition” and destined for “martyrdom.”
That is the unimaginable message that Palestinian Media Watch uncovered in a tale recited by a young Palestinian girl in a video that Fatah posted on its official Facebook page.
The tale starts with a little boy excitedly awaiting a gift that his mother promised him for finishing his food. However his mother shocks him: Instead of handing him a toy she hands him a rifle.
These are the appalling words that follow:
“He shouted loudly: ‘O Mommy! Mommy! What is this? Is this the gift?’
“She picked him up, hugged him, and said: ‘My son, we were not created for happiness.... They are cursed. Jerusalem is ours, our weapon is our Islam, and our ammunition is our children. And you, O my son, are meant for martyrdom.”
Is this anything but child abuse? Fatah is using the social media giant Facebook to tell its quarter-million Palestinian followers that Jerusalem is “theirs”, that Islam is the “weapon,” and that Palestinian boys are the “ammunition.” And shockingly, this formula is coming from the person who should be a child’s champion, defender and source of security: his mother.
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