Friday, March 7, 2014

Operation Full Disclosure - Israel's Message, Both Capable and Willing to Act

...The main thing to take away from the operation is the impressive signal Israel sent saying it seriously intends to wreck the Iranian nuclear party. If that task is accomplished through diplomatic means, great, but if not, Israel is not going to hesitate to act independently.

Dr. Haim Shine..
Israel Hayom..
07 March '14..

The Iranian leadership is likely under a lot of pressure. It is scrambling to discover just how the Israel Defense Forces and the Mossad managed to map out its sophisticated-weapons smuggling, and how the Israeli Navy launched such a brilliant operation, its fleet stealthily cruising throughout the long voyage.

The point of Operation Full Disclosure was not to prove that the Iranians are running a vast network of terrorist groups. Israel has disseminated information about the Revolutionary Guard among the world's leading intelligence agencies, and they are well aware of the facts. The main thing to take away from the operation is the impressive signal Israel sent saying it seriously intends to wreck the Iranian nuclear party. If that task is accomplished through diplomatic means, great, but if not, Israel is not going to hesitate to act independently. The operation intercepting the vessel was proof for anybody who remains in doubt of Israel's tremendous naval, air and land capabilities, which would be more than enough to eradicate the Iranian threat. Operation Full Disclosure was the promo, demonstrating just a few of those capabilities. This was the course of Iran's shipment of weaponry destined for Gaza. 
Terrorist organizations systematically use such weaponry against Israel and its civilian population.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was the first leader in the world to realize the danger of Iranian nuclear armament. Through tireless efforts, he managed to bring the issue to the center of the world agenda. The weakness of Western nations has allowed the Iranians to deceive and mislead U.S. President Barack Obama and other leaders in the EU.

Israel has laid out an immediate challenge before Western nations, forcing them to deal with the real problems of the region without blinking an eye. Anybody who wants to stave off the military option to combat a nuclear Iran needs to stand up and act quickly and with determination against Iran's lies and deceit. It is crucial that the international community understands just how seriously Israel takes its right to exist -- without a nuclear threat hanging over its head.


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