Thursday, September 6, 2012

An Abbas "I've got your back" moment.

06 Septemnber '12..

Truthfully, it's difficult to find a more dysfunctional and corrupt organization than the Palestinian Authority in this neighborhood, although Hamas is certainly not out of the running. Sometimes though, one just has to give a smile as the absurdity of investing in the PA's future just washes ashore. It has been a given for many years, that the West has placed a great deal of hope in Palestinian Authority Prime Minister (another story) Salam Fayyad to take charge, exercise financial responsibility, give at least a facade of working infrastructure to the PA, etc. On the other hand, the constituency does get restless at times, and in a classic "I've got your back" moment Mahmoud Abbas, the other half of the PA's dynamic duo shows us a look into Salam Fayyad's future.

From Ma'an:

Abbas: Palestinian Spring has begun

CAIRO (Ma'an) -- President Mahmoud Abbas said Wednesday that the "Palestinian Spring" had begun, as Palestinians took to the streets across the West Bank in protest over rising prices.

"The Palestinian spring has begun, and we are in line with what the people say and what they want," Abbas said, addressing a meeting of Arab League foreign ministers in Cairo.

And what might that "what the people say and what they want" be?

In Hebron, demonstrators set fire to an effigy of Fayyad. They chanted slogans calling to topple Fayyad's government and put an end to the skyrocketing prices.

In Ramallah, protesters shouted: "Fayyad! We are not egg-laying chickens," "I can’t fuel my car, so Fayyad can take it," "No to the government of indignity and hunger," "Until when will we continue to pay your expenses?," "We will not set ourselves ablaze for the sake of Fayyad" and "We were looking for Palestine, but now we are looking for a sack of flour."

Realistically though, Mr. Fayyad has nothing to worry about as both his Western  supporters and Mahmoud Abbas surely have "his back".

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