Sunday, August 19, 2012

(+ Video) Human Rights Wash - Murder to the Sounds of Silence

19 August '12..
H/T Palestinian Media Watch ..

Op-Ed: "Every day more than one crime is committed against more than one woman... I shall criticize out loud the social culture
that still seeks justifications for the murder of women."
[Al-Ayyam, Aug. 7, 2012]

Lecturer on PA TV: "Part of our [Palestinian] identity is to kill women, to beat women... and this exists in all Arab societies..."
[PA TV (Fatah), June 24, 2012

On the one hand this is well known to all, as it is just as likely to occur in a public venue as not, yet nevertheless ignored. Their cries muffled by cultural indifference or threat of retaliatory violence, not only by their victimizers but by other members of their families as well.

But there are others, not subject to the immediate family ties or clan relationships, who for many years have vociferously lambasted Israel for every sleight or wrong imagined or real in regards to the local population, but in this matter of life and death, the silence of the complicit.

By their very presence and silence, the ongoing "Human Rights Wash" takes place, aiding the continued beatings and murder, suffering that could have been relieved if brought before the wider world's attention, as one would have thought are these groups' mandate.

Where is the Christian Peacemaking Team (CPT), The Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI), Human Rights Watch (HRW), Amnesty, .... The blood of these victims cry out, but their cries remain unheard as these organizations turn the public's eye away through their unconcern. After all, to take a public stance against these beatings would likely lead to their being immediately asked to leave the region as less than respectful guests.

Jabareen: "Part of our identity is to attack women - we must acknowledge it. Every society has its defects and its charms. Palestinian identity has its charms, but there are things we have adopted from Arab culture for centuries that harm the individual and the woman. For example, in recent months, look how many women were killed in Lod, in Ramle, and in Acre, and so on. That's part of our identity."
[PA TV (Fatah), June 24, 2012]

And "for centuries" just does not leave much room to talk about the "Occupation".

Welcome to the world of Human Rights Wash.

Read the full PMW: Special Report: Upsurge in "honor killings" and perhaps pass it along to those who have yet to fulfill their mandate.

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