17 April '12..
Tuesday evening, Min. Moshe (Bogie) Ya'alon wrote a short piece on his FB page, concerning Iran, that I thought would be worth sharing with our English-speaking readers. I hope that my translation will have accurately conveyed his thoughts. The one point I, and many others may question, would be "that the regime will choose survival".
As long as the centrifuges keep spinning, the Iranian problem will remain unresolved. But the Iranians have received an additional five weeks in order to accumulate additional enriched uranium. This regime must be faced with the dilemma of either a bomb, or survival. And when forced to stand in this dilemma, we are convinced that the regime will choose survival. For this, it's necessary to broadcast determination, with severe sanctions, with the possibility that we will have to pay more for fuel in the short term, or even military action, as a final resort. But when they recognize hesitancy, they play for time.
This issue at some point must be resolved. We are trying not to take the lead, but the goal must be that, one way or another, Iran will not have nuclear-military capability. This regime seeks a bomb to gain immunity. Therefore, in any form or manner, it is forbidden for this non-conventional regime, to achieve non-conventional capability. If today this regime brazenly challenges all of the moderate regimes in the region, and is involved negatively, in every conflict in the Middle East, then picture for yourselves what will occur when they will have a bomb.
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One Choice: Fight to Win
6 months ago
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