Emily Amrousi
Israel Hayom
18 November '11
Laundry machines account for five percent of Israeli household water consumption. By contrast, a greater laundering, that of language, is currently using up all the water in Israel's Sea of Galilee. This was reflected this week in the Left's incessant discussions over the need to "silence" others, so much so that we needed plugs to block our ears - in calling for the silencing of others, they were, in fact, making a fair share of noise. On most of the Left's flagship broadcast networks, it screamed that the two super-democratic laws – the first concerning the composition of the Supreme Court Judicial Selection Committee and the other prohibiting the funding of local political NGOs by foreign governments – are the breaking point.
Much water has been wasted on this word-laundering initiative. The leftist organizations that are weakening Israel have, in one felt swoop, become "social organizations." Organizations that have brought us the Goldstone Report, that have chased after our senior officials, and that have bound the hands of the Israel Defense Forces in their fight against terrorism, have now turned into "human rights organizations." First spray it, then throw it in the wash. "Welfare, culture, education, and community associations will be adversely affected" lamented Giora Rosen, chairman of the New Israel Fund, in reference to the new laws. "Health, agriculture, and finance budgets will be cut," predicted Ron Pundak, the director-general of the Peres Center for Peace.
Those who bothered to actually read the law prohibiting the funding of NGOs by foreign governments found that it refers only to political organizations, those that seek to "influence the political and security agenda of the country," and that these same organizations will be able to continue on with any number of their destructive activities, yet will be forced to do so without the funding of foreign governments.
Israel is one of the only countries in the world that allows other nations to stick their noses in its business, to rummage through its organs, and to intervene in domestic affairs in a manner that overlooks minor details such as sovereignty, democracy and the will of the people. A negligible minority, rich with resources from abroad and possessing little support for Israel, is granted such a massive power of expression and assembly that voting at the polls has become just a symbolic act: Sweden, the Netherlands, and Spain know what's good for us. Even the British occupation is still present here.
Topping the list of countries who have effective operative proxies here are Norway, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Sweden, Ireland, Spain, and Germany. You saw the list – you can understand on your own what lies behind their interests to pour money into this country.
Millions of euros have been transferred from the hostile and commissioning nations of the EU to "social and human rights organizations" like Yesh Din, Mossawa, Adalah, Ir Amim - City of Nations, Shovrim Shtika, Bimkom, B'Tselem, Public Committee Against House Demolitions, Public Committee Against Torture, and Physicians for Human Rights. These organizations do not run drama classes in development towns or seek just compensation for farmers. No culture, no education, nada. Their declared goal is political change. Their hidden goal is the destruction of Israel as the Jewish state. Welcome to "de-mock-racy."
A few weeks ago I almost lost my handkerchief in the hurricane of accusations that blamed my friends and me for defacing a cemetery in Jaffa with graffiti. At the time, the blame was undoubtedly directed at a member of the right wing. But this week police arrested three football fans from the country's central region on suspicion of being responsible for the graffiti. By the way, those suspected of setting fire to the mosque in the Arab village of Tuba-Zangarriye were also released after nothing was found to link them to the incident. Was there an apology? A public announcement indicating that a mistake had been made? Now you've really made the vanguards of democracy laugh.
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One Choice: Fight to Win
3 weeks ago
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