Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Stinker Out of Bedfordshire

Daphne Anson
19 March '11

The renowned British columnist Melanie Phillips recently wrote a humdinger of a book entitled The World Turned Upside Down. Just how upside down that portion of the world known as Great (make that "formerly Great") Britain, aka Cloud Cuckoo Land, is has been freshly demonstrated by the fact that The Spectator, on whose site Ms Phillips's blog appears, is being investigated by, of all absurdities, the constabulary of Bedfordshire.

Why? Because someone living in that county has apparently referred to that force this post on which Ms Phillips wrote of the "barbarism" of the Arabs who killed the Fogel family in Itamar.

I'd call butchering a family while it slept, and in the process decapitating a tiny baby, barbarism. Wouldn't you?

And now it's up to the Bedfordshire plods to decide whether to prosecute.

It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world.

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1 comment:

  1. May they rest in peace and may the scum of the earth who butchered them be apprehended and never see the light of day!
