Friday, November 12, 2010

Blind Sided

Marc Prowisor
Yesha Views
12 November '10

It is always important to make observations from all angles, from all views. To understand a situation we must sometimes look from the inside out and vice-versa. The point being, two dimensions are not enough, even 3D doesn’t cut it all the time.

For the past three weeks I have been in the US speaking and meeting people from all walks of life, from all religions, creeds, races, whatever you want, but a well colored spectrum. We discussed Israel, the situation, the chances of peace, loyalty oaths, you name it…we discussed it.

Over all, these were not political discussions, although obviously politics did come up, these were open dialogues between people, held in a civil manner in order to understand the situation in Israel better, to hear another side and to reach an in depth connection to a land and people we share in in our hearts, (however, not with everybody I met).

This was not a “tour” of “preachin’ to the choir” as I met with many that do not share my views at all, and there were even those that tried to keep me from speaking, even though they never met me or heard me. You see, in their eyes, I am a criminal… I live in Shilo, which is in Samaria, which in their eyes exists in the “occupied Territories” (forgive my using that term).

A common denominator that I discovered was that most, and I mean both sides politically, if you will, are very ignorant regarding what is really going on.

(Read full post)

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