Barry Rubin
The Rubin Report
28 March '10
The New York Times has now crossed the line from being a grossly slanted newspaper in its Middle East coverage to being one so partisan, blinkered, and defensive as to lose its value altogether. I do not write this lightly and have no wish to exaggerate. But the newspaper’s editorial of March 26 is so mendacious, so made up to suit the political purposes of the Obama administration without any reference to the facts that it is a work of politically tailored fiction.
Basically, the themes or omissions are as follows:
--Israeli policy is the result of extreme right-wing politicians.
--Most Israelis support Obama rather than their own government.
--The U.S.-Israel agreement of last October never existed.
--The Palestinians don’t exist and one doesn’t need to mention their actions or the administration’s total catering to them.
--Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has done something so awful that it proves he doesn't want peace. What did he do? Precisely what he told the U.S. government he was going to do five months ago and which they then called a major step toward peace!
The goal is to portray the issue as not being Obama versus Israel but rather Obama plus the Israeli majority against a relatively small number of extremists who have hijacked the country.
If only such tactics were used against America’s enemies.
Unfortunately, it is necessary to discuss this editorial in detail. It begins:
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Related article: The New York Times, Obama, and Israel: A New Low for the Paper of Record
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