Sunday, July 4, 2010

Hurting Jews trumps helping Arabs, again
02 July '10

The Arab world tells us they care a great deal for the ‘Palestinian people’. But the truth, as I’ve written many times, is that it’s always more important to hurt Jews than to help Arabs — which explains the following:

Palestinian refugees demand basic civil rights
(Beirut, AFP): Thousands of Palestinian refugees gathered yesterday outside UN headquarters in Beirut to demand basic civil rights in Lebanon, such as a choice of jobs and ownership of property…

The Palestinians traveled in buses from Lebanon’s 12 refugee camps for the Beirut gathering organized by Palestinian and Lebanese non-governmental organizations.

“Working is a right,” “We want to live in dignity,” read placards carried by the protesters.

“I have the right to own property,” said another, summing up the frustration of the tens of thousands of Palestinian refugees who live in dire conditions in Lebanon…

The majority of UNRWA-registered refugees live in dire conditions in the camps across and are denied basic civil rights. Under Lebanese law, Palestinian refugees can not own property or hold most white collar jobs (doctors, engineers, lawyers, architects) and are stuck in low-paid employment.

They are also denied social security and medical aid in state hospitals.

There is a long history of similar behavior, even by the Palestinian Arabs’ own leaders. For example, when Israel occupied Gaza and Judea and Samaria after the 1967 war, they almost immediately began programs to move refugees out of the camps and into permanent housing that they would own. But the PLO — and the UN — bitterly opposed it:

What is perhaps surprising is that the United Nations also opposed the program, and passed harsh resolutions demanding that Israel remove the Palestinians from their new homes and return them to the squalid camps.

(Read full post)

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