Anna Mahjar-Barducci
Hudson New York
12 February '10
Sixty-five years after the end of World War II in which the Nazis took the lives of six million Jews, the Jews around the world are still as much in danger as they were in the 1930’s, if not more so.
In Europe anti-Semitism comes out mostly disguised as anti-Zionism. Almost all of the European Left is anti-Israeli, especially in Spain, where the anti-Israel policy of the socialist government of PM Zapatero and FM Moratinos is now notorious. It took more than a year, for instance, to close the channel connection to the Hispasat satellite of the Hizbullah TV, al-Menar, which was thereby able to continue broadcasting more than a year of hate and Islamist propaganda into Latin America. In a country with the most anti-Catholic government in its history, but with a multicultural obsession for Islam, Al-Manar TV was part of “freedom of press.”
During years in Pakistan, it was surprising to note how many metropolitan legends circulated within the country having, at their center, a Jewish plot. When Pakistan exploded its first nuclear device, for example, people said they had been compelled to do so to deter India, which was about to bomb them, and that shortly before the blast, Indian bombers, with Israeli pilots [sic], were already warming up the engines on some runaway. The logical question is: Why in Heaven would the Indians need Israeli pilots?
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