Friday, January 26, 2018

Yes - Abbas Does Support Anyone Who Uses Weapons! - by Dr. Aaron Lerner

...There's a dispute among Arabists if Abbas' remark that "If you have weapons, go ahead. I'm with you, and I will help you. Anyone who has weapons can go ahead" was a cynical remark rather than a serious statement. They note that in the same remarks, Abbas said he supports only "peaceful popular resistance" - which is Arabic for trying to murder people "only" with fire bombs and rocks.

Dr. Aaron Lerner..
IMRA Weekly Commentary..
25 January '18..

"Whoever has [weapons] - go ahead and do it. I say this out in the open. If you have weapons, go ahead. I'm with you, and I will help you. Anyone who has weapons can go ahead."

...The Americans are always telling us that we must stop paying salaries to the families of the martyrs and the prisoners. We categorically reject this demand. Under no circumstances will we allow the families of the martyrs, the wounded, and the prisoners to be harmed. These are our children, our families. We are proud of them, and we will pay them before we pay the living.
Mahmoud Abbas to the PLO Central Council, January 14, 2018
[Thanks to MEMRI for the translation]

There's a dispute among Arabists if Abbas' remark that "If you have weapons, go ahead. I'm with you, and I will help you. Anyone who has weapons can go ahead" was a cynical remark rather than a serious statement.

They note that in the same remarks, Abbas said he supports only "peaceful popular resistance" - which is Arabic for trying to murder people "only" with fire bombs and rocks.

But that's not the point.

The question isn't the rhetoric. It’s the action.

Pop quiz:

Here are two statements:

#1. If you have weapons, go ahead. I'm with you, and I will help you.

#2. I support peaceful popular resistance.

Here is a policy:

Any Palestinian who is sent to Israeli prison for murdering Israelis - no matter what the circumstances - shall receive a salary for the rest of his life at the level of the highest security officer serving in the Palestinian Authority.

Question: Which statement matches the policy? Statement #1 or Statement #2?

If you answered "Statement #2" then you are what is known as a "useful idiot".
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis: Since 1992 providing news and analysis on the Middle East with a focus on Arab-Israeli relations

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