Friday, December 22, 2017

White House Security Document Offers Israel Opportunity to End the Farce - by Dr. Aaron Lerner

...In the eyes of Israelis, Iran is no longer "just" a nuclear threat located far beyond the horizon. The Israeli street knows that the Iranians are already sitting in Syria. I daresay that the average Israeli can do the math today and understand that "Palestinian sovereignty = Iran next to Netanya."

Dr. Aaron Lerner..
IMRA Weekly Commentary..
21 December '17

Dramatic news: The White House does not consider an Israeli-Palestinian "deal" to be crucial for the region.

"Israel is not the cause of the region’s problems."
National Security Strategy of the United States of America
The White House DECEMBER 2017

So now what?

So far it would appear that Israel remains in the same policy rut.

No. I'm not talking about the construction freeze.

I'm talking about something much more basic.

An ambiguous stand on the two state solution farce.

Why a farce?

Because: Palestinian sovereignty = Iran next to Netanya.


Why is Palestinian sovereignty = Iran next to Netanya?

Because it would be child's play for Iran to inject forces into a sovereign Palestinian state - regardless of whatever commitments, obligations or restrictions a sovereign Palestinian state may undertake.

And why is THAT such a big deal?

I'll give you a hint:

"We have to give the Palestinians a state and if they violate the agreements to tear them apart, kick them over the Jordan."Major General, (res.) Amiram Levin - Maariv 15 December 2017

Anyone with enough smarts to understand that "Palestinian sovereignty = Iran next to Netanya" can almost instantly recognize just how silly it is to think, a Levin does, that it would be simple for Israel to get rid of a sovereign Palestinian state when things went sour.

In the eyes of Israelis, Iran is no longer "just" a nuclear threat located far beyond the horizon.

The Israeli street knows that the Iranians are already sitting in Syria.

I daresay that the average Israeli can do the math today and understand that "Palestinian sovereignty = Iran next to Netanya."

And if the average Israeli can understand this - and why risking such a development is unacceptable - so can President Trump!

President Trump keeps on saying that he would only support the creation of a Palestinian state if Israel wanted one.

And with the White House statement that "Israel is not the cause of the region’s problems." its time for Israel to drop its ambiguous position on a Palestinian state.

We can't afford the risk of Iran next to Netanya.

A Palestinian state is not in the cards.

IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis: Since 1992 providing news and analysis on the Middle East with a focus on Arab-Israeli relations

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