Wednesday, November 8, 2017

There’s one very important difference between Palestinian rock-throwers and the Michigan rock-throwers - by Stephen M. Flatow

...But for all the similarities between Palestinian rock-throwers and the Michigan rock-throwers, there’s one very important difference. If the Michigan teenagers are convicted, they will not be rewarded by the U.S. government in any way. American taxpayers would never stand for it. Yet American taxpayers’ money is being used to reward Palestinian rock-throwers.

Stephen M. Flatow..
07 November '17..

Two Israelis who happened to be driving through a Palestinian town were nearly murdered by a group of teenagers last week. Meanwhile, in eastern Michigan, another group of teenagers succeeded in murdering a driver who happened to be passing by.

Though separated by 6,000 miles, the attackers had one thing in common—their choice of weapon. They both used rocks.

The Israeli victims were two women—elderly, if one may judge by the photos—who were visiting the Palestinian Authority town of Azzun. They were members of an extreme left-wing group called “Machsom (Security Checkpoint) Watch.” They contend that the checkpoints where Palestinians are checked for bombs and guns before entering Israel constitute “the denial of Palestinians’ rights to move freely in their land.”

I don’t have much sympathy for Machsom Watch. After Palestinian terrorists butchered five Israelis—including three small children—in Itamar in 2011, Machsom Watch activists, including the organization’s spokesperson, Raya Aaron, visited the Arab village of Awarta to comfort the relatives of the killers. That says a lot about where Machsom Watch’s sympathies lie.

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