This is Israel’s hour of need and nations across the world did not disappoint.
Danny Ayalon
04 December '10
Over these last few painful, shocking days, there has been a shining light through the dark, ashfilled skies elicited by the rampant fires that have destroyed large sections of Israel’s northern area and ended the lives of dozens of brave Israelis.
While the Jewish state has become synonymous with providing rapid humanitarian aid to international disaster areas, it is now Israel that requires help. The fires emanating from the Carmel forest quickly spread beyond any plausible expectation, overwhelming our forces battling the flames. Our national disaster, like many around the world, cried out for an international response. Whereas Israel would usually be the first to offer a helping hand in such an event, it was now our nation that required the hands of others.
For many years, Israel assisted nations and peoples in need during overwhelming disasters such as the earthquakes in Turkey, Haiti, Chile and El Salvador, starvation in Ethiopia, Hurricane Katrina in the US and the tsunami in 2004, to name just a few. Regardless of the nation, Israel was willing to immediately send aid. This was even true for nations affected by the tsunami that Israel had no diplomatic ties with.
This policy was first and foremost based on our deep-seated humanitarianism, ensconced in our Jewish values.
The source for our moral obligation was always tikkun olam, and our humanitarian assistance has always remained unconditional.
Now, in our hour of need, we see nations across the world offering and providing support, in an unequivocal show of gratitude for Israel’s past deeds.
(Read full Op-Ed)
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And what is transpiring globally is nothing more than smoke in our eyes. Gratitude to my Maker.