Yishai Goldflam/Tamar Sternthal
CAMERA/Media Analysis
23 August '10
A letter from the Im Tirtzu Israeli activist organization to the president of Ben-Gurion University addressing the alleged imbalance in the number of Zionist versus post-Zionist lecturers in the university's politics and government department has created a storm in the Israeli media. Covering the controversy, the news departments of two major Israeli media outlets, Ha'aretz and Ynet, recently engaged in a little literary license, apparently forgetting that their job is restricted to reporting the news.
Ha'aretz's Aug. 17 Hebrew headline screams:
Im Tirtzu to Ben-Gurion University: Fire Leftist Professors Or We'll Drive Away Donors
The English headline, in contrast, does not mention the firing of professors:
Im Tirtzu threatens boycott of Israeli university over 'anti-Zionist' bias.
Ynet's Hebrew headline the same day goes even further than its Ha'aretz counterpart, purporting to actually quote from the letter:
"If You Don't Fire Leftist Professors, We'll Drive Away Donors"
(Read full analysis)
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