Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Turkey plans to violate Israeli land, sea, airspace

Apr 8, 2011

As we say in these parts, "We will live, and we will see".

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  1. It is always astounding to me that people can listen to the rhetoric of those who denigrate Israel and not understand, recognize and comprehend the real message between the words and the lines of lies and deceit.
    The endless hatred and vilification repeatedly articulated against the State of Israel is not because there is such a concept as Zionism or because the State of Israel did this or that on any given day of any given month or year.
    The entire "problem", is that such people as are seen and heard in endless Israel bashing videos, and the endless listeners to whom the orators preach, simply cannot accept the fact that the "Final Solution" was not 100 % (only 50%)successful in its stated goal of wiping every Jewish man, woman and child from the face of the Earth.
    We were hated and being murdered, slaughtered and burned centuries before the modern State of Israel was reborn in 1948.
    Indeed the countless centuries preceding 1948 are what finally made saner individuals recognize the critical necessity for a State called Israel to be reborn out of the ashes of our final and largest Holocaust in the history of the world.
    All talk of some ultimate "Peace" in the Middle East is futile and a non starter for the simple reason that in the final analysis the only real "Peace" that our enemies dream of- indeed will ever be satisfied with- is the "Peace" of never hearing another Hebrew word spoken between the Jordon River and the Sea til the end of time.
    The people, both inside Israel and around the world who are disdainfully referred to as "Hawks" would have been just as ridiculed-(and were)- in 1933 for warning a great disaster would soon be descending upon the Jews of Europe.
    Was not Jabotinsky one such prophet? I thought about this fact, ages and ages ago when, as a young man, I stood for the first time at his grave site in Israel.
    There are some who will answer me by saying: "Oh- so you think the present situation can just be allowed to continue on and on forever if Israel is not forced to accept a so-called negotiated "Peace settlement" that satisfies (but only temporarily) its sworn enemies.
    When will those, weak of heart and wisdom, finally understand. For most Arabs the words "peace with the Jews" really equates to "death to the Jews". Their concept of a final settlement equates to every last Jew in Israel being pushed into the sea.


    The world has wanted the Jews expelled from the face of the Earth since the time of the Pyramids. When the Jews had no homeland the world wanted us dead. When the Jews were being blown and buffeted about the lands of the Earth for centuries, not allowed to own a piece of soil to til, the world wanted us dead.
    When the Jews were chained day and night within the walls of Europe's ghettos, the world wanted us dead. And finally when the word "Ghetto" took on a new meaning in the last century, the world wanted us dead.
    When even a single ship, the St. Louis, crowded with Jews desperate to stay alive, was purposely allowed to leave Europe to prove no nation would take them in- not even the United States of America- the world wanted us dead.
    Why such a history of animosity towards the Jewish people? There is neither time nor space here to embark upon such a discussion.
    But to all those poor well meaning and trusting souls who think after the history the Jews have experienced that all the Jews need do now to finally have some partial iota of peace is to just keep appeasing and appeasing and ever giving up more and more portions of what little physical security they have paid for with the blood of centuries, I say the following:
    G-d forgive you for your naiveté that puts Jewish men, women and children at risk. The Jewish Family, May they Rest in Peace,recently murdered or rather massacred in their beds as they slept should be a final wake up call to those who lack the simple common sense or will to read the writing on the walls of the Arab world, most of which celebrated the spilling of that innocent Jewish blood.
    As the great French philosopher, George Santayana long ago said, and whose words are carved in the marble on the walls off the United Nations:
    "Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past".
    May Israel always retain a sufficient number of wise leaders who understand that sometimes in life there are cases where a state of perpetually remaining on one's guard- forever if necessary- regardless of how exhausting and costly, is preferable to trying to end that uncomfortable and unhappy state of affairs, when it is a guaranteed and foregone conclusion that shortsighted compromise and the naive trusting of those who have proven time and again, they cannot be trusted will lead to the final annihilation of the Jewish people.
    Long live Israel.

  3. Thank you for publishing my extended comments (above) regarding the latest threats facing Israel.

    And thank you for publishing so much important information about the State of Israel and the constant and very real threat/s to its survival.

    David Pakter, New York City

  4. David,

    Thank you very much for taking the time to comment, as well as the quality of the comment. If in the future you would like to write a piece to be posted, please be in touch.

    All the Best Yosef
