Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Concept

Moshe Feiglin
4 Av, 5770
15 July '10

(Translated from the Makor Rishon newspaper)

The Eiland report on the Gaza flotilla fiasco makes it clear that no facts were hidden from the people who planned and carried out the operation. The Navy commander displayed leadership; he did not watch the operation on a plasma screen, but was present in one of the boats at the scene. He saw the first attempts of the commandos to climb onto the boat and understood what type of welcome his soldiers would be receiving.

The presence of senior commanders in the field in this case turned out to be an impediment. The person who eventually came back to his senses, shook off the false assumptions and unfounded concept upon which the entire operation was based was S.S. - one of the regular commando soldiers. He killed six of the Turkish attackers one after the other and turned the situation around. We can safely assume that if less senior commanders had been on the scene, reality would have detached the ropes of the erroneous concept sooner - and the desecration of G-d's Name with the humiliation of Israel's soldiers - would have been prevented.

Paradoxically, the Eiland Report reveals that the authors of the report, themselves, are also captive to the same concept that determined the planning and execution of the operation. They cannot even understand the implications of their own conclusions; conclusions that every child sees clearly: The flotilla fiasco was a serious defeat for Israel. The Report does not examine the concept - it simply examines if the procedure that was supposed to implement the concept was properly performed. And if the procedure was properly executed and all involved acted faultlessly, then the only conclusion that we can reach is that the operation succeeded.

The depth of the dependence on the concept that was revealed in the commando cooperation is no more than an illustration of a mindset that is much more broad and faulty. The entire existence of the State of Israel is founded on a concept detached from reality that repeatedly explodes in our faces. But just as with the flotilla, due to the fact that we were born into this mindset, we cannot think out of the box to change it.

(Read full article)

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